Teen feels and looks great after breaking his snacking habits

From secret snacker to healthy hacker! 16-year-old Jake joined us to break his snacking habit and lose a bit of weight. 12 weeks later and 11kg lighter, Jake has learnt to overcome his cravings.
“The online programme was informative, interactive and interesting. We all found it helpful and picked up useful knowledge for life! The most valuable thing Jake learnt was how to control his mind to snack in a healthy way.“
Katy, Jake’s mum
Footie-mad and a competitive swimmer, Jake had always been an active boy. And since he was eating healthy family meals at home, Jake’s parents (Katy and Scott) couldn’t figure out why he was overweight.
“He often found that he couldn’t fit into his recently purchased clothes. He knew this wasn’t good and didn’t feel great about his self-image,” Jake’s mum Katy told us. “We tried to help him sort this out, but it became beyond us.”
Breaking snacking habits
Turns out, Jake was sneaking snacks when he was out with his friends and hiding food in his bedroom. This secret snacking was becoming a bit of a ritual, so Jake was keen to see if we could help him break the habit. He asked his mum and dad to sign up with him.
They signed up online, which meant they had plenty of privacy. Nobody knew they were taking the course, so nobody could make mean comments.
The whole family found the webinars helpful, picking up useful tools and information – like the amount of sugar in many drinks!
“The online programme was informative, interactive and interesting. We all found it helpful and picked up useful knowledge for life!” said Katy. “The most valuable thing Jake learnt was how to control his mind to snack in a healthy way.”
Making healthy choices
Jake has made some great changes. He has a salad for lunch most days, and a healthy dinner (with no chips – even when they’re on the menu). He’s allowing himself only one or two unhealthy snacks per week and has cut out fizzy drinks. Jake has even downloaded the nutrition apps we recommend on his phone too, so he can easily check healthy options when he is out with friends.
Jake also asked for an exercise bike for his 16th birthday and has been spinning 10km most days.
A lifetime of skills
“Jake has lost 11kg and he looks and feels so much better! He’s also improved his 5km running time from 33 minutes to 27 minutes,” Jake’s nutritionist Freya said. “We’ve been really impressed with how much Jake has contributed in the webinars. He’s truly been a role model to everyone in the group.”
Jake was awarded a £40 sportswear voucher and treated himself to some new trainers for his running.
“We have already recommended the course to a friend with a younger child. The overall experience was massively helpful for Jake and the rest of the family. A great experience.”
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